
Hi, and welcome to the Tell Me More podcast! I hope you’ve enjoyed the episodes, interviews, and stories featured here so far. My name is Joy, and I’m the creator, host, moderator, and one-stop-shop for everything TMM! Every month, I interview C-suite guests in the tech and business industry and we have candid conversations about their lives. In these episodes, we go deeper than the typical “tell me about yourself” — our discussions cover pivotal moments in each person’s journey and touch on topics such as diversity in tech, how to make decisions, life advice for new graduates, and much, much more.

I started this podcast as a side project in 2017, and now here we are. As a student in the arts, business, and technology, TMM was my way of levelling the playing field. Throughout university, I had the opportunity to coffee chat C-suite executives at different companies and grow my own personal network. While I felt incredibly lucky to absorb other people’s advice, reflections, and experiences, I felt it was unfair for me to hoard all of this knowledge. So, I began recording the conversations I had with my career mentors in hopes of spreading this information to my peers. And that’s how TMM began! In the summer of 2017, as I completed my very first student internship at the Bank of Nova Scotia, I chatted with the bank’s CMO and pressed “play” on the microphone. Bam — that became TMM’s very first episode.

Now, one season in, I hope this podcast has given you something that has improved your life. Whether that’s life advice, business acumen, or even just a diverse perspective, I hope you learned that there is always something to be gained by asking someone to “tell me more.”


Joy Ling
